Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Curmudgeon confesses, not because it's fun!

Morning, AZ!  I’m going to say it:  “I really like it; saying “Hi”, or “Good Morning, A to Z”.  I have come to desire to be “different” in my dotage, or possibly, just more willing to be aware of it.  I do like greeting everyone and it’s important to me to acknowledge you.  You have no way of knowing this but I entertain myself quite a bit, and I wanted to say that I hope you’ll acknowledge me one of these days.  Immediately I recognized that would be me “gigging” you or trying to prick you into commenting.  (Sigh)
I can be pretty slow on the uptake sometimes, too, and this morning I realized there’s a Phoenix TV station that makes a big deal of “Good Morning Arizona” repeated by several of their personalities.  It’s always a nice feeling to hear it and I often like the backdrop pictures quite a bit.  Actually, I’m going to be nicer to myself and cut myself some slack on not remembering that earlier.  My “outlaw” Alzheimer patient loved Channel Three, often I think because it was the only channel she could remember, no, she adored her “doctors”:  Dr. Phil, the Doctors and Dr. Oz.  She’d make some remark about something she was watching and I’d look and say, “you just saw that last night, don’t you remember such and such”, and she’d say, “No, I never saw this before”.  Ye, Gadfreys!

I’m finding a great reluctance at admitting how very like a curmudgeon I had really become.  (I’ve really got to love it.  In looking up the word to be sure it meant somewhere in the vicinity of what I thought it did, I ran across this wonderful site, and the comment led me to a site with a visual of the American Sign Language for loser, and . . . well, I thoroughly distracted myself.)  See.  Now, I’m trying to distract you from what I’m trying to say.

Well, back to it.  In the first post, as I continued on that two hour walk, I had learned and practiced long enough paying attention to my thoughts I felt terribly uncomfortable inside.  Roiling comes to mind, like dirty ugly flood waters that keep coming, keep coming.  I find I often make comments like a school child internally when I’m mad at someone.  Or, pitiably, when I feel annoyed with how I’ve brought up on my internal whiteboard, they ARE.  Judgments, more and more judgments, and judgments upon judgments: as though I could ever be such a pristine example of humanity to have the right to talk – even to myself.  Grousing is such a perfect word.  It feels prickly, as do I, listening to all that vitriol drip in the back of my head and it does have all the right combination of letters to make me realize I can’t do it without tearing me up.

I had isolated myself for long enough I’d lulled myself into believing I was – yes, positive.  What a good girl I had become!  Not!!!!!  One little (sure, it was small) blowout and I’m a walking time bomb.  Don’t even – what?  Don’t touch me, don’t speak to me, don’t look at me, and don’t acknowledge me.  I’ve got my own stuff to deal with.  And where is that stuff?  It is inside me.  That’s where.  And finally, finally, I have the good sense to not be proud of it.  Not be proud of it, is yes, what I said.

Man, that’s exhausting!  No wonder people can stay cranky all their lives.  It is so dulling to one’s senses that it is truly hard to think!
This will have to be sayonara for this one.  I’ll hope there’s a next time then and here’s to your being positive.

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