Monday, January 9, 2012

Not in Control of My Beliefs? ? !!! #### !!!??

Dear AZ,
Abraham (thanks to Jerry and Esther Hicks) has said,
"Manic Depressive equals not in control of your beliefs".
BTW, if you enjoy reading what I write, you either know
already; or, er, I guess I'm telling you now; when I look
for knowledge, info, insight, whatever, I look for varied
perspective, clues, hints, notions to help me see some
underbelly of something I'm trying to get a better grip on.
After twenty-five years of looking this particular "beastie"
square in its maw (well, when I was capable of looking),
I either missed this aspect (it could happen) or I never 
was told (and that sure as hell has happened before) this 
particularly juicy piece of memorabilia.  I say memorabilia
because I'm always trying, in one way or another, to 
distance myself from the whole diagnosis, illness, train 
wreck; call it what you will, some of us experience as the
(she speaks now sarcastically) dreamboat appellation of
bipolar or manic depression.  Bye, bye.  Scat you!  Begone
or forever hold your peace!
So, if you haven't guessed it, the idea, notion, insight,
perspective, whatever, that "not in control of my beliefs"
might apply to "my own dear self" (that appellation is
thanks to Dr. Abraham A Low, whom I have mentioned
before, and undoubtedly will mention again), that it might
apply to me, to moi, to this gal right here in my lap, did
get me just a tad worked up.
I've actually been aware of it, two, three months, now
and it has definitely been carrying on, on the sly mostly,
in the back of my mind.  I think beliefs may be sort of a
"sticky" kind of issue for many of us.  I know I took
tremendous pride most of my life that I had certain of 
the beliefs that I had.  I was aware more people did not
have the same beliefs I took such great pride in than
those who did, so:  I had another belief -- only those who
believed the way I did had the truth.  How convenient!
Looking just at those particular beliefs, (and that was a
trip traveled more unconsciously than in the light of day
of my awareness) has made a tremendous difference in
my life.  I feel fortunate I can say the difference is to the
I have much more to say to the matter.  I'm sure you are
not surprised.  So I will be getting back to you soon.  K

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