Friday, January 6, 2012

Picture It Picture It Picture It

I feel like I have waited so long and yet it’s really been such a short while.  I hope I will always smile at the memory of manifesting my first $MOOLA$.  I’m pretty sure I will always smile at the memory of realizing thinking of Mae West’s walk in “I’m No Angel” while reading to myself my posts in my realityvbliss blog providing the magic of getting me into the vortex.  What a fun way to point out to me I can easily raise my vibration having simple pleasure.

I knew I had to make manifesting money the priority for me.  Sure, I was manifesting a lot more in manifesting the money because I knew what I had in mind for using the money, spending the money, gifting the money.  It all felt like pretty heady stuff because I’d been going backward such a long time.   

I think there had been some kind of inner knowing in terms of manifesting my life before.  As is often the case, the very act of writing seems to unearth possibilities.  I’m going to shorten what just came up for me to keeping a parent in line for now.  That can be a real big deal in certain circumstances.  It also likely required help from sources outside our usual.  Both those comments will have to wait to be fleshed out in other accounts.

There’s more than enough to write about in telling this tale.  One of the real fun aspects for me has been in not having to figure out the “hows”.  In fact, I required (and lots of us must) many reminders which appeared as I read about it, heard people talk about it, and more fun than all the rest listened to songs about it.  It makes sense to me (actually I confess that seems to go off and on, like a switch) that the process of creating proceeds much more unhampered when focusing on many other aspects of imagination, like simply having it or it just “being”.

One of the sometimes crazy making aspects for me in the process was dealing with being in the same house with a young and super energetic person of an entirely different culture.  It made for many unexpected opportunities to work on finding the happier, better, improved thought.

The fact that I am here, with my money; and mine it truly is and truly feels; is much more than the fantasy, the winged thoughts, the magical thinking I feared (sometimes) it might just end up being.  It marks a meaningful growth process of the finest order.  As happens easily, sometimes, I caught the briefest portion of a program on TV today, as I gave up the TV to another roommate, and I saw traffic, all flowing in to work in some city.  The program had to do (it seemed) with the decline, even death of suburbs, while people reestablished even further beyond.  I found myself thinking of the changes my son and I were making in our lives and concepts that take us out of all that humdrum and thinking that seems to merely be a “when shall we make the proscribed change, ourselves?”.  We have definitely chosen the creative path and withdrawn from the competitive one.

Since none of it is all that easy; I have found life to not be all that easy; I am ever gladder, I have taken on this creative process.  And, taking it on is very apt, for I have learned I need to cover myself with it.  No, a better word is to permeate myself with it.  That makes for real change; not surface, not temporary.  

Now for some fun, at least for me, I shall describe some of what happened.  It seems to be human nature to want to know what happened (I’m thinking of TV’s Mr. Monk, for those who know about him).  Once he figures it out, in every episode, he says, “Here’s how it happened” and my breath is bated.

I felt like I had scored a home run when I found the Tempe home I sit in now (nearly all moved in though now I shall be creating lots of furniture).  I had not even thought of that location, or that near replica closeness to my son, or how much it would mean to me to live in Tempe again.  What really caught my eye (I doubt this will surprise you if you’ve been following along) was that great oval tub with block glass window filling in the length of it and up to the ceiling, and right next to that a super nice, separate glassed in shower – absolutely perfect!

It was late and had been a long day.  I nearly put off “till tomorrow” the merest requisite for keeping track of it.  I’m so glad I didn’t, and that tells me of all my persona's within, there is one strong enough and determined enough that this was the right one for me, the ball was not dropped.  I did end up “showing up” as a “key component” in my home creation.  Abraham has stressed that over and over in “receiving” what we want.  There’s a bonus, too!  The back yard is an oasis.  What a treat!

I love being here most because it is so close to R.  It does happen to be close to some theaters as well, and I’m pretty sure I’ll love that.  I have a lot of movies to catch up on.  It’s also close to the healthiest fast food I can think of, American fast food, that is.  (I look forward to spinach and corn!)  Indeed, the shopping nearby is a large bonus.  The walking, though, is so cool!  And it has matured from when I walked it nearly twenty years ago.  The whole area has matured so much it is like a different backdrop.  And the ease of getting to and on two freeways is superb.  I am truly blessed.  I am truly thankful.  Thanks, Father.

Already, I’m feeling eager to get in touch with my friends.  I once again have my own wheels and my own place “to be”.  Hallelujah!  And now, I want to thank not only Father, but my Guidance Team, and Abraham-Hicks, and so very many people on the web.  I feel reconstituted, remade and made much, much better.  Plus, believe me, I am loving my stuff!  

Feel free to join in, AZ.  Tamale, I expect.

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