Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I Clearly Speak to my Subconscious My Wants

And so that’s that!

The Pauley’s say, “Don’t ask for money.”

Vitale says, “Just say the amount you want.”

Sasha Xarrian seems to manifest money anytime she wants.

I had to ask for money.  Years ago I remember Judi saying, “Be sure to ask for the money to maintain your manifestation.”  I never could seem to get that done.  I want to GET IT DONE this time.  I definitely want to pass go and collect two hundred dollars.  It’s time.  It’s my time!

I had to adjust the amount once I began planning out my start to my new life.  I had begun with $50,000 because I had been tapping with Margaret Lynch.  I realized that wasn’t going to cover it all and it sure wasn’t going to give me any leeway.  I’m not saying the new amount covers it all either, but it is the start I need.  I won’t be stopping once I get going this time.  Yowzers!

I don’t visualize food as often as the car and the new place to live.  Somehow the excitement level is just not the same.  Besides, I need the car to transport me to where I want to buy my food and get it away from there, and I need my new place so there is room in the refrigerator and pantry for my stuff.  But being able to buy food again is going to be a very big deal on my appreciation list.  I’m thinking fruits and juices first off.  And that makes me think of a good blender or juicer.  Aha!  I know a little something about those now.  That’s important but I want to purchase wisely.  If it is too much trouble to use or clean up, truth be told, I will have wasted my money.

This is good.  This is very good.  I’m feeling the power in this in telling my subconscious very clearly exactly what I want.  I am loving it!

I’m thinking I want eggs and cheese.  How I’ve missed being able to enjoy cheese with whatever I want.  Good thing I am going to Costco where I can get one of those ginormous bags of tortilla chips!  Let’s see, I’ll need avocados and mushrooms and peppers.  I want to pick up a couple bags of celery and carrots and broccoli too.  And I have looked forward for weeks to their spinach salads.   

I’ll want dips and dressings and all kinds of condiments and I do hope they have pita chips.  For now, I’ll just enjoy some sourdough bread but also get some refrigerator biscuits to make up.  I’ll want to have some truffles on hand, some soy milk and one good type of ice cream.  Oh, yes, and some fish, tilapia and salmon and tuna and possibly, sardines.  No doubt, there will be more.  I have plenty of experience and positive memories of buying myself food.

I must have missed it before.  Surely it has been written often, yet it shone out to me like a beacon of light last night as I embraced it so eagerly:  “I can do and be and have and give, all I want.  The power is in me.”

I feel like such a dunderhead (it seems such an appropriate term at least) in that all these concepts really do seem so simple, yet I just couldn’t seem to make them work for me.  I know I am in a very different place now.

One main component is vibration (by the way, my best friend answered my question as to her knowing what that was, with yes, and she felt hers was pretty high over the last several weeks.)  “Would you say like joy?” I asked, and she replied yes.  That is fantastic and uplifts me and I’m sure those around her.

Joy to you, AZ.

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