Monday, January 9, 2012

Yours, Theirs and My Reality -- Shall We?

You Folks Still Got Yer Eyes In?

I told you I'd be back.

I love learning, especially when it explains to me
something about me that I hope will help me make
things better in my life.  Like many of you, I hope
to be able to set a good example for a few of the
folks I know and love.  When I depart for higher
(hopefully) realms I'm hoping they'll be hoping . . .
(I'm possibly overusing hope in this sentence -- just
about done.  Whoa!  I'm going hog wild with it all
paragraph long!  It looks like I need to expand the
range of emotions I've got going here.)

It's really just too darned easy to interrupt myself,
distract myself!  What I wanted to say there was 
that it is a very fond desire of mine that I leave
folks wanting more of me.  Did you pick up on that
I was talking about after I'm gone -- when they can't 
have it?  I'm joking, although I don't doubt you may
have a hard time following me.  I know folks who've
gone on before who are still giving to me, and not
just in the legacy sense.  Right now, though, I am
mainly talking in the legacy sense.

Part of why I (more often than not) have seemingly
and progressively felt more and more a loser, a 
failure, a deadbeat, a persona non grata whose
best place to be is isolated and hidden and feeling
shame, especially in recent years, lies in knowing  
what I want and want to be that I don't have and
am not.

And so, for the briefest of moments I recognized my
state of being, rose to the level of civility that gave
me "push pull of reality" for my title here rather
than the very gross, very down to earth, frustrated
just about for sure literally out of my gourd terms
I'd been using when I could even talk about it (or 
pray about it).

I believe I've been aware of the disparity of reality
in my mind and what I live with far longer than I
have realized how much disparity there can be with
others reality and mine.  It's a matter of focus and
it feels like forced focus at that.  It has often, way,
way, way often felt like a bully pressing my whole
head into a cow pie after disabling with a stun gun
any muscle mass that could be found in my limbs.

It may be highly unlikely that you might be able to
relate to my upcoming example even if you, too,
are bipolar/manic-depressive but it also might be 
fun to try.  Once I'd gotten through my first set of 
named as such bipolar episodes, I found I was  
experiencing an almost unbelievable amount of
self-distrust.  This was, of course, twenty-five years
ago when at least my conscious awareness seemed
sunny, confident, "the world was my oyster", diaper 
days with my sons were behind me, et al.  That's
a "fur piece" from the "dog days" and dark night
of the soul conscious awareness I've been talking
about more usually in this blog.

As I tried to get a grip on trusting myself again,
because always second guessing every tremor of
self-hood was not in the least bit fun, I realized I
had demonstrated to myself I was NOT who I was
when I was clinically depressed (not by any stretch
of the imagination) AND I was NOT who I learned I
could be (now that really was a little trip-py because
I had always been a serious prude, overly endowed
with conscience -"let's only do the right thing" type)

A good lengthy manic high can cure a frightful 
number of brownie points anywhere they ever
mattered.  So, perhaps you see my dilemma.  No 
one with a vestige of common sense would choose
to opt to work out a new life with either of those
well-demonstrated selections.  And again, if the
common sense really was on the premises one
would have to admit to having no accountable
control over that anyway.  It's not like I have the
backbone to "act" either manic or depressed.  My
family has their own set of failings like we all do,
but nary a member is that easily fooled.

Besides, the story I ran in my head, having behaved
as I had in the one state or the other kept me in
shame at least five years.  I let no one in on my
"secret" and I've already admitted to you my 100%
propensity toward men emotionally unavailable.
My life had become a tangle of confusion, shame
and trying, always trying to figure it out with no one
to really talk to.  I'm sure I needn't say to you that
I am someone who likes to talk -- and talk.  And, I
bet you can already guess I was way off the charts
with regards to matching anyone's reality.  That
can become an even greater problem when no one
can tell the turmoil from the outside.

Now, let me share an example of two people having
realities unmatched more like your experiences.
I shared a post some time ago where I had walked
a couple of hours after "blowing up" at one of the
female roommates, and still felt like I could not be
civil, let alone apologize.

My son has a rationale whereby he never turns on
the heater in his house.  You might feel the same
after the raping, pillaging and burning of the utility
company combined with often 100 or so days of 
temperatures, all over 100 degrees, much of the
time the majority being over 110, even up to 120.

It was impossible to not notice everyone had a
hacking cough both day and night.  Lest you come
to the conclusion, I'm a die hard old school thinker
of not going out in the rain, cold creates colds, well
think what you will.  I am aware a lot of that is 
considered myth today -- fine by me.  But I have
built and slept in an ice cave in my day (OK, fair
enough, yes, we're talking salad days era).  Even
with my frigid experiences  -- my long hair was like 
multiple ice cycles, long after getting back to my
dorm room --  acting as foundation, I am damned
cold at night.  Not that I want the noisy maxi-digit
money drainer on myself.   I, too, think the utility 
company would eat all our children if allowed to.
I kid you not I slept with flannel sheets, at least 
six blankets fit for igloo sleeping and a pet bed
a St. Bernard could fit on at the bottom of the bed
hoping my toes and feet would never feel a draft.
And, I was still, like I said, damned cold at night.

The next morning when She's little one and two
year old girls appeared (unaccompanied) in the
family room buck naked save a diaper for one and 
panties for the other, bare feet!, I had meself a 
little hiss-y fit.  Several days later (so honorable
am I) when I finally apologized she said her girls
are warm blooded and like to go without clothes.

What's real for me just may not be real for someone
else, and by gummy, what's real for you just may
not be real for me.  Truce?  I'll try if you will.  In fact,
I'm trying anyway.  I've got to, for me.


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