Sunday, January 1, 2012

Gonna Make It For Sure Now

Dear AZ (folks A through Z, if this is the first post you’ve read here),
I’ve just watched Mae West in a movie for the first time.  What a kick!  I thoroughly enjoyed her, except for her walk.  I’m pretty sure the movie’s name was “I’m No Angel” and since I’ve not seen her in any other movies I don’t know if she always walked like that.  Plenty of people must have liked it either way.  I loved how she queried the witnesses against her and charmed the judge.  That is confidence and attitude at work.
Those are the things I’m working on to help me this year.  I have a feeling, and it’s a very good feeling, 2012 is going to be the best year I’ve ever had.  Part of it is I believe I am experiencing a consciousness I don’t believe I’ve ever experienced to the degree I feel I am now.
Before I forget, I want to be sure to mention something I think fairly often but hardly ever voice and that is that in all the years I was matriculating through school (and that includes University), I am absolutely certain that I never envisioned in my wildest, dearest, most hopeful dreams that I would enjoy such gifts as I have experienced with the internet.  It absolutely and very much delights me how many complete and total strangers share the most wonderful and valuable information with me, and freely!  Ideas flourish and multiply as a result and I feel fed, nourished, loved, often cherished and more often, raring to get up and take on the world one more time.
I also feel chided, cajoled, challenged, stunned, and eager to check things out.  I learn and learn and learn.  Just earlier today, on an infomercial about brain health, I was reminded that information in the world doubles every four years and how that contributes to stress.  Good thing to think about because most of us overwhelm ourselves day in and day out.  How helpful it is to me to remind myself I’m not alone (you are not either) and there are some basics most all of us need to go back to now and then.  I appreciate everyone who has learned to share of themselves and leads the way for me to do the same.  I’d like to wish everyone the very best year they’ve ever had in the one ahead.  I’ll be back soon.

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